10月 20, 2020

wireshark and windows10

 I first installed wireshark with chocolatey, realized it did not come with a packet capturing driver upon opening.  So I was going to install "WinCap" according to the top google suggestion.  After trying the compatibility mode suggestion in vain.

However, I was worried when I see WinCap is discontinued on its project site.  Thus, I started looking for alternative.

Once I installed pcap, problem was solved.  Although I also see some other with success with the option win10cap(lucky for me).

However, it turns out that npcap is broken on my windows10 install (I have virtualbox host-only interface coexisting, but doesn't seem relevant).

When I suspend my computer, it would make my PC ip become 169.xxx.xxx.xxx, which is crap.  I would have to disable and enable the ethernet connection (agtain and again) to  restore normal network activity.

I have to try other option, and luckily for me, win10cap would just work.

If that don't work, I guess I would have to uninstall the driver and only install when I need it.  That would be silly and boring.

8月 13, 2020

Windows 10 Chinese Pinyin Issue

Microsoft Pinyin on Windows 10 is the goto choice to type Chinese Trad by pinyin over Chinese(TW) Bopomofo because it has cloud suggestions mainly. 

However, common characters like (囘、閙)are not  the correct one, they are  異體字(Variant Chinese character), the correct ones are 回家、鬧市 instead.

This problem have bothered me for years, may please investigate. 



7月 15, 2020

[hassle] SSD migration, windows 10

I bought an SSD recently and tried to migrate my system.  However, no matter which tools I used(Clonezilla, DiskGenius), they both failed to boot, with a black screen only have an spinning cursor on it.

After a day of hassle, I found the solution.

Just ignore any advice to use bootrec, we can now use the bcdboot command which is more automatic and trouble-free.

1. Get to winre, run regedit
2. select hklm anyfolder, open hive -> c:\windows\system32\config\system, type any name
3. use diskpart to assign correct drive letters
4. delete all driver letters under the hive, except the one you need
5. copy value of dosdevice* from hklm->system->mounted volume to the hive of same subfolder

Now, the drive letter problem is fixed.  Let's fix boot.

6. assign letter to the efi partition
7. do bcdboot /help, follow the instructions

8.  finally can re-enter windows now.

5月 25, 2020

Firefox iPadOS User Agent Problem

Have been using Firefox on iPad for a year now.
Did not know since when, websites have begun to discriminate Firefox iOS.

For a while ago, I usually uses WhatsApp for web in desktop mode, it could perfectly send and receive new messages.  But now, it won't work, the website just keep saying my browser is out-dated, please update to other browser.

I do not know what is this happening, until I found the user agent seems to be changed.

So from now on, the desktop mode is basically broken.  Major sites like Google, Zhihu, Quora just won't work fine with it, forcing me to use the mobile version.

fixed now: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1587388