10月 20, 2020

wireshark and windows10

 I first installed wireshark with chocolatey, realized it did not come with a packet capturing driver upon opening.  So I was going to install "WinCap" according to the top google suggestion.  After trying the compatibility mode suggestion in vain.

However, I was worried when I see WinCap is discontinued on its project site.  Thus, I started looking for alternative.

Once I installed pcap, problem was solved.  Although I also see some other with success with the option win10cap(lucky for me).

However, it turns out that npcap is broken on my windows10 install (I have virtualbox host-only interface coexisting, but doesn't seem relevant).

When I suspend my computer, it would make my PC ip become 169.xxx.xxx.xxx, which is crap.  I would have to disable and enable the ethernet connection (agtain and again) to  restore normal network activity.

I have to try other option, and luckily for me, win10cap would just work.

If that don't work, I guess I would have to uninstall the driver and only install when I need it.  That would be silly and boring.