2月 10, 2022

env set-up, export required

 Setting up elasticsearch on Apple M1 machine would be better with an arm variant JVM.  I was wondering why es wasn't detecting the env I set up for the JDK to use.

Turns out `export ES_JAVA_HOME=...` is required to let ES to receive the env variable, instead of simply `ES_JAVA_HOME=...`.

1月 28, 2022

problem on debugging simple code test with IDE

 The support for Kotlin is far worse than Java and C# on VSCode.  The only thing I could get working was 'Code Runner' and Run/Debug with gradle project.

- Debugger for single file

This made the experience of using kotlin for leetcode far worse than Java or Python from within the VSCode IDE.

Support for Kotlin on Intellij is better.  Single file can be debugged.  

The leetcode extension on VSCode is what I miss, however.  Since the popularity of VSCode surged, the number and quality of extensions on Idea is simply outmatched.

The issue also exists on Typescript development.  While writing code test, I wished to use some type hint for better auto completion support but not wishing to get into the trouble of building and compiling.  Directly using debugger for single file ts is also not easy on VSCode and Intellij.

12月 10, 2021

VSCode not finding conda environments


The best option I found is to set the python. venvPath parameter in vscode settings to your 
anaconda envs folder. 
"python . venvPath": "/Users/[... ]/Anaconda3/envs" 
Then if you bring up the command palette (Ctl + shift + P on windows/linux, cad + shift + 
P on mac) and type Python: select workspace Interpreter all your envs will show up and you 
can select which env to use. 
The python extension will also need to be installed for the Select Workspace Interpreter option. 
Note: The Select Workspace Interpreter takes around 10 seconds to come up on my computer 
using the current version of VSCode.


The best option I found is to set the python.venvPath parameter in vscode settings to your anaconda envs folder.


"python.venvPath": "/Users/[...]/Anaconda3/envs"


From <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43351596/activating-anaconda-environment-in-vscode

Find conda env location by "conda info"