12月 10, 2021

VSCode not finding conda environments


The best option I found is to set the python. venvPath parameter in vscode settings to your 
anaconda envs folder. 
"python . venvPath": "/Users/[... ]/Anaconda3/envs" 
Then if you bring up the command palette (Ctl + shift + P on windows/linux, cad + shift + 
P on mac) and type Python: select workspace Interpreter all your envs will show up and you 
can select which env to use. 
The python extension will also need to be installed for the Select Workspace Interpreter option. 
Note: The Select Workspace Interpreter takes around 10 seconds to come up on my computer 
using the current version of VSCode.


The best option I found is to set the python.venvPath parameter in vscode settings to your anaconda envs folder.


"python.venvPath": "/Users/[...]/Anaconda3/envs"


From <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43351596/activating-anaconda-environment-in-vscode

Find conda env location by "conda info"

